The standard stereotyped to sell a house in Spain is that it can take a nine-month period (except for large capitals such as Madrid or Barcelona, which enjoy more popularity and less time to close a real estate business). However, you can leave it by recreating strategies that allow your property to be an irresistible option for investors or families that are looking to nest under a comfortable roof houston home buyers. The most common mistake of independent salespeople is that they avoid research work, such as correct pricing, recreating the appropriate advertisement or not following certain protocol rules when it comes to showing the home. Therefore, we will give you five tips to sell your house in 120 days (and even less if you do it with us!).
Choose a real estate agent (like the Bcn Flats team)
Many venture to be independent sellers, but the reality is that the sale process may take much longer because they do not have the knowledge and strategies necessary to sell the house quickly and successfully. From legal procedures to appraisal, the real estate agent will know how to move around in all the topics that involve the sale of your property with tenacity and security. Do not underestimate their service.
Request market analysis
Even if you have a solid idea about what price you want to demand for your apartment, it may not be the most adjusted to the real estate market. Ask your real estate agent for an analysis of the market and an appropriate valuation for your property. Asking for more money can scare away your customers and losing them is not an option.
Requires a marketing plan
To the real estate agent that you have chosen, you must demand that he give you an explanation of his marketing plan. Using marketing strategies will make the sale move even faster because of the influx of customers to the notice and the good image you project.
Make your floor a neutral ground
When opening the visiting procedure, you must take charge of separating your house from your family history. Turn it into a neutral environment, in which there is room for your client to dream and visualize that it can be their home. It is a given advice, particularly, by the home stagers.
It is part of the buying and selling process
Even if you have a real estate agent hired, it is important that you join the purchase process. Ask for accounts of the evolution of the process and be aware of the offers made by your customers, can be a good way to start.