Australian Shepherd Training: Common Behavior Problems

Most people experience some behavioral challenges with their dogs from time to time. The good news is, with a bit of understanding and patience, these issues can be resolved with some Australian Shepherd Training Dog daycare near me.

Aussies are genuinely loyal, alert, extremely intelligent, hardworking and energetic dogs. They have an uncanny intelligence with exceptional herding and guarding instincts. The Australian shepherd has a reputation for being bossy, determined and extremely active. Some owners believe in order to keep your Aussie in line you need to be bossier, more determined and controlling than they are. Owners need to be a step ahead of them so they know their place within the family, meaning other family members will also need to know the rules and be consistent with their commands. Beware, if you let your guard down you may be in for some challenging behavioral issues.

Australian Shepherd dog training is part of the key of working towards a respectful and cooperative relationship between you and your dog. It’s also to do with controlling your dogs mind set not the dog itself. If you don’t show your dog who is boss, you may find a number of behavioral issues and they will start to control you. Some behavioral traits that pop up are destructive chewing, barking, mouthing, begging, digging, instinctive controlling and herding of you and family members, Stool eating, and jumping up.

Australian Shepherd training works on positive reinforcement. Working in a negative way can put the dog on edge and possible compound the problem. Most dogs don’t understand what it is that they have done wrong because they don’t know the right thing to do. The trick is to show them the right thing and then reward them for doing so. If you see your dog is about to do something they shouldn’t, use a firm voice for distraction purposes and guide them to what they should be doing, and then reward them.

Aussies are very social dogs and aren’t meant to live alone. Going to training, or going to the park to play or even just helping by following you around the house or yard keeps them working and active. Focus on mind and body activities to keep them occupied. They love any activities that revolve around herding; this keeps your Aussie mentally and physically satisfied and will less like take up bad behavior.

Learning obedience and tricks are a great way to hone in on Aussies energetic personality and keep their mind and body balanced. They do become bored easily and prefer to work all the time. Aussies love to control their environment including your space. They can be rather manipulative in the way they try to move people or other animals, by teaching them to respect personal space is the best way to prevent heel nipping.

To have a happy and cooperative relationship with your Aussie use the techniques and tips gained from Australian Shepherd training and you and your family will have a great dog that works and behaviors appropriately rather than against you.


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