How to be popular on Facebook? 8 strategies to get followers and likes

How to be popular on Facebook… We’ve heard this hundreds of times. Who would have thought that a little blue digital thumbs up would become one of the most valuable online currencies? Facebook focuses on likes, so it’s no surprise that someone with a Facebook page wants to get more of them.

However, as most marketing experts will (reluctantly) tell you, your Facebook post won’t reach every person who has liked your Page. This is because the number of likes on your page does not guarantee the size of your audience, it is the potential size it may have. To get all those likes that really matter, you need relevant, valuable content that people engage with on a regular basis click here.

How to be popular on Facebook (the right way)
While getting more likes is the key to how to be popular on Facebook, getting people to interact with your page on a regular basis is just as (if not more) important.

In this post, we will talk about eight strategies that will not only tell you how to get more likes on Facebook but will also tell you how to make your page more attractive. Do you want to focus on one? Click on any of the strategies below to go directly.

To establish objectives
Improve your page
Increase the visibility of your page
Create better content
Be sensitive and understanding
Plan monthly campaigns
Use Facebook ads
Use data analysis to your advantage

Why Facebook Likes Matter
So you want to learn how to be popular on Facebook, and you’re probably thinking about likes as your metric to define success. Did you know? You are not wrong.

Whether we like it or not, likes are a key metric of the health of our pages, but not for the reasons that most people think. A like can be an empty metric, without importance, without a reason or a higher objective than being part of vanity metrics; In any case, it can also tell us about the interaction of your content. A like can be a tool to measure and optimize the quality of the content you share on your Facebook account.

If you really want to learn how to be popular on Facebook, you’re going to have to learn how to use liking as the invaluable tool it really is.

Pro tip: to measure your level of interaction per post, we recommend using this formula “(clicks + reactions + No. of times the content was shared + No. of comments)/Total reach”. You can also use this formula to measure the average interaction level of your entire page, you just have to add the total number of interactions and divide it by the total number of people who viewed your posts. You can find this data in your Facebook management panel or in our analytics dashboard.

When you have your level of individual and group interaction, you will be able to start taking actions based on this data. For example, what publication should you promote? Setting a scheduled post, with the aim of getting likes, is a very good way to answer the question: How to be popular on Facebook? This way you will only promote your best content, those publications that stand out above all the others, and of course, those that will be cheaper to promote.

Set goals
To learn how to be popular on Facebook we have to talk about your goals. Setting goals for how many new likes you want to get on Facebook will give you something to measure your progress. This will help you better understand what works and what doesn’t. Additionally, it will show you where you should continue investing your time and resources in your Facebook strategy.

Your Likes earned goals should have specific and measurable parameters. Calculate an average of the likes you receive each month and use that to set a realistic goal for the following month. For more tips on setting social media goals, check out our blog post on setting smart social media goals.

Improve your page
For most people, Facebook will be the first place to find your online business. This means that your Facebook page, in addition to your website, can represent the first impression of your business online to current and potential customers.

As Facebook recently stated in a News Feed update , “businesses should think of their Page as the foundation of their online identity and not simply an advertising service.” That’s why to learn how to be popular on Facebook we need to understand the essence of our company, show it in a real way and connect with our audience with our brand personality.

Imagine that it is the first time you visit your Page. Is it easy to find all the information you are looking for? What would a potential customer think of your brand when looking at your Page? To make a good first impression, you should be constantly looking for ways to improve your Facebook page.


Ensure that your profile photo and cover photo are high-quality images and are branded.
Fill out the entire “About” section of your Page with the most current and relevant information. We talk about this in more detail in our post with step-by-step instructions for setting up your Facebook Page .

Once a month, audit your Facebook Page and remove any old information, irrelevant content, or off-brand photos and videos.

Increase the visibility of your Page
This is a simple concept that bears repeating: you won’t have much luck getting more likes or learning how to be popular on Facebook if people can’t find your page. These are some things you can do to increase the visibility of your Page.

An example is my email signature, which has a link to all Hootsuite social media accounts.

Incorporate plugins like Likes or a Page Plugin into your website. Here are five more ways to integrate social media into your website.
Simultaneously promote your Facebook Page on your other social networks. Send a Tweet to let people know you’re on Facebook and include a link to your Page. It’s helpful if you explain why they should like your Page, for example: “Follow us on Facebook to get the latest video tutorials.”

Create better content
The algorithm Facebook uses to determine which post from your Page shows up in people’s News Feeds is designed to show them what they want, and what they don’t want is promotional content disguised as organic content.

According to a survey conducted by Facebook , organic posts that are “highly promotional” have one or more of these qualities:

They only encourage people to buy a product or install an application.
They encourage people to participate in promotions and giveaways without any real context.
They use the same content of the ads.

Avoiding these features will help you produce content on Facebook that your followers really want to see and Facebook will help you broadcast it.

Here we leave you more tips to create better Facebook content.


Give people what they want. How do you know what kind of content people want from you on Facebook? Listening to them. If the majority of the comments on your Page are customer service questions, try creating content that focuses on helping customers use your products better. For example, a short video with “secrets” or alternative uses for your product or a series of video or photo tutorials. Experiment and pay attention to people’s responses.
Post at least one piece of Facebook-specific content per week. Businesses that treat Facebook as just an advertising channel often only post links to their blog and website. While there’s nothing wrong with posting that occasionally, continually promoting your other channels isn’t going to encourage engagement on your Facebook Page (and honestly, it can be very boring). Create Facebook-specific content to increase engagement opportunities and give people a good reason to like your Page. For example, create images specifically for Facebook or create a shorter version of a video and upload it to your Page. You can include a link to the full version on YouTube or your website in the description.
Aspire to get your content shared. When your followers share your Facebook posts, it increases your organic reach, giving you a better chance of getting more likes. It also indicates that someone enjoyed your content so much that they were motivated to share it on their personal networks, putting that information in their name. This makes sharing your content, as a metric, one of the most valuable and important things about your Facebook Page.

What makes content share or how to be popular on Facebook? According to the Psychology of Sharing , a study by the New York Times customer insights group, there are five main motivations for why people share content on social media:

To provide valuable and entertaining content to others.
To define ourselves in front of others.
To grow and foster our relationships.
Personal fulfillment.
To talk about causes or brands.

You will realize that the common theme among most of these motivations is relationships, growing them, nurturing them or defining them. Create content that falls into one of these categories and see if it is shared more than other content.

This is an example of a piece of content that was shared 2,000 times from Innocent Drinks , a smoothie and juice company based in London.

Why was this content shared so much? To begin with, because it’s very funny and it’s relevant to most people who work in an office who, upon returning from a vacation, receive the same questions over and over again. This post, a simple image created specifically for Facebook, doesn’t directly sell smoothies, but it positions Innocent Drinks as an entertainment brand you’d like on Facebook. The more followers they get on Facebook due to engaging content like this, the more receptive they will be when the time is right for a post that directly sells the product, like this video.

Stay organized and post continually. Posting consistently is one of the best practices cited by Facebook , highlighting “being consistent in the quality and types of posts you create can help people know what type of content to expect from you and how it relates to your business.” . Create a content and posting calendar in advance to help keep your Facebook content strategy organized and consistent.

Be sensitive and understanding
If you want to continue with your “How to be popular on Facebook” plan, you better take care of those who already did it. Seeing unanswered comments or questions on a brand’s Facebook Page for many days, weeks, or even months can be discouraging for potential followers. Respond to any comments, whether they are on your posts or directly on your Page.


Add a column in your Hootsuite dashboard that tracks all the posts people make to your Page, as well as the likes or comments they make on those posts. You can also add a column for all the posts you’ve made to your Page and monitor engagement from your Hootsuite dashboard.

Plan monthly campaigns
Plan Facebook campaigns that fit into your overall marketing efforts or act as standalone campaigns. Be proactive by planning these campaigns in advance and allocating them into your overall content calendar, you’ll have a supply of shareable content that will help you get more likes. Before you plan all your campaigns, make sure they comply with Facebook promotions terms and policies.


Monitor the Facebook Pages of competitors or brands that you admire and are inspired by. You can learn a lot about what resonates with your audience by analyzing what has been successful (or not) with your competitors.
Find a creative way to use user-generated content (UGC). Including an element of UGC in your social media campaign can help you generate leads and build your brand through the voice of your audience. Here are some examples of successful UGC campaigns that focused on social media.
Invest resources in videos. There are over 4 billion video views on Facebook every day. Videos you post on Facebook will automatically play when they appear in people’s News Feeds, this can increase the number of views and interactions. Many “viral” content publishers on Facebook are focusing more time and resources on video production. As shown in this Digiday post , “Elite Daily is investing resources in videos, which unlike written content that goes viral, continues to grow rapidly on Facebook.”

Use Facebook Ads
On Facebook, desktop ads have 8.1 times higher click rates than traditional web ads. In mobile ads, this number increases much more with a click-through rate that is 9.1 times higher. Therefore, one of the most effective ways to be popular on Facebook is through your ads.


Promote your Page through Facebook Ads . You can reach more potential followers for your Page through detailed targeting options such as their location, demographics, interests, behaviors or connections.
Boost individual posts on your Page . If you notice that one of your posts on Facebook is performing well, consider boosting it with a paid ad. You can back it with whatever amount of money you decide, and you can take advantage of Facebook’s extensive targeting opportunities. Depending on your investment, Facebook will give you an estimated number of people you can reach.

Use analysis to your advantage
This is the last time you will wonder how to be popular on Facebook, because if you follow this strategy you will reach that goal very soon. Analyzing the information on a Facebook Page can give you a clear view of who your followers are, which will help you better target your campaigns on how to be popular on Facebook. You’ll also be able to identify the types of posts that have the highest average reach and engagement, plus you can use that information to create more content that your audience wants on Facebook.

For more information, check out our blog post where we talk about the 26 social media KPIs you can track to measure your social media success beyond the number of followers you have.


Create weekly reports using Hootsuite Analytics that measure the number of likes your Page receives, where those followers come from, and the engagement your posts have generated this week. Use this information to correct your content next week if necessary.
Do a monthly audit of the performance of your Page. Use this information to set monthly goals and develop a strategy for how you will achieve them.

Now that you have a strategy to get more likes on Facebook, it’s time to focus on interacting with them . After all, if your posts aren’t getting enough engagement, it means your content isn’t inspiring people to do something. And that means your Facebook Page isn’t providing real value for your business.

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