5 tips for a law student

Are you about to start a law degree or are you just joining this academic adventure? It is very likely – I am almost sure – that you will have several questions about how to organize yourself, what activities you can get involved in or what you should know about the race and its day-to-day life. Having concluded my experience as a Law student at UNIS, I share with you some ideas and advice that, I believe, will make these years of study productive, both in the academic and professional sphere as well as in the human sphere, taking advantage of the tools and benefits that The university is within your reach Law Tutors.

  1. Find an agenda, a pen and a couple of markers.
    The key to organization is keeping what is within our reach under control. You must be clear that there will be more than one unforeseen event, a last-minute task or a surprise evaluation and this should not affect your study pace. Some weeks are full and others are lighter, like anywhere else and for anyone else. You will make the difference with the management of your time and your responsibilities.
  2. Your class, your family.
    From the first day you will make friends with whom you will share the next 5 years. Keep in mind that they will be your closest “teachers”: with their discussions before an exam, the talks during study days and with every opportunity you have to talk with them you will learn and correct your mistakes. Your class friends will be your university family. Therefore, the practice of values ​​and virtues that encourage teamwork is essential.
  3. Professor available, professor willing to support you.
    Personalized attention and education is a great opportunity that you cannot ignore. During the years of your career you will meet different professionals who will leave a mark on your professional growth. Take advantage of your time with them to learn more about the practice of law and notary practice; daily practice and the difficulties that await you outside. These contacts will not be for a single semester, since you will run into the professors in the hallways and, whenever they are available, they will be willing to advise you and guide you with your concerns. Rest assured: at UNIS you are not just another member of the class.
  4. Don’t settle for what you learn in class. It is what is necessary and indispensable, but there is much more to learn and delve into.
    One key: get involved! The Law degree is multifaceted and interdisciplinary. That is why UNIS has developed, among other activities, the Moot Courts Club, in which efforts are concentrated to encourage, train and involve students to participate in the different mock trial competitions at the national level. and international. The human growth that arises from communicating with future colleagues around the world, with their own cultures and ways of thinking, is indescribable.

Another great job and professional opportunity is research work internships. In them, you immerse yourself in national legal life, both in the public and private spheres. There you make your first professional contacts and create your own work reputation. It is a myth that a full-time student does not have the option to engage in the daily practice of law.

  1. The law is a reality.
    The law is lived, it is a daily reality. To better assimilate legal concepts and legal institutions, it is necessary to bring them to life. By this I mean that you relate what happens to you, your family and those closest to you with the legal world. For example, from a purchase in the supermarket in which a sale materializes to the granting of a mandate to represent someone who cannot attend a certain event. The first step to being a professional is learning to live it and not until you close your resume or graduate, but from the beginning.

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